Board of Management

Dr Anita De Bellis, RN, DipAppSc, BN(Man), MN, PhD
I registered as a nurse in 1975 having completed my training at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. I loved every minute and studied hard. My practice spanned many fields of nursing over 25 years before becoming interested in nursing research and education, whereby I moved into academia. My research interests include palliative care, aged care and dementia care and I have taught in the undergraduate and postgraduate program, as well as in the supervision of higher degree students. I joined Leahurst in 2007 as a board member when it was an aged care facility and I have helped in the management of the facility, as well as being at the helm when the facility closed and was transformed into the current foundation. I am committed to give back to nursing and further help nurses, nursing students and the profession because of the satisfying career it has given to me, and the life lessons nursing has instilled in me.
Dr Didy Button, RN, Grad Dip Adult & Further Ed, MN, PhD, FCNA, PSI ETA Chapter STTI
Deputy Chairperson
I have been a registered nurse for over 40 years completing my nursing degree at the Sturt College of Advanced Education at Bedford Park. I have worked in medical and surgical nursing at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and specialised in orthopaedics and spinal injuries, before moving to the school of education at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. The education of the nurses of the future continued when I became a lecturer in nursing at the Sturt College of Advanced Education, now incorporated into Flinders University and the College of Nursing and Health Sciences. My research interest in the use of electronic education technologies for nursing students aims to equip them with the skills and knowledge to continue to provide safe quality evidence based nursing care. I began as a member of the board of management of Leahurst in 2017 and I have an ongoing commitment to furthering the nursing profession.

Ms Samantha Creten, BAcc, FCA, RTA, JP
As treasurer I oversee all financial aspects of the Foundation. Having worked with Leahurst for over 25 years in various administration roles, I was appointed Treasurer in 2006. I am a Fellow Chartered Accountant, holds a Bachelor of Accountancy, an ASIC Registered Company Auditor, a Registered SMSF Auditor, a Registered Tax Agent and a Justice of the Peace (South Australia). My strong focus as a board member is ensuring is long-term financially sustainable and that the foundation has sufficient financial resources to meet its strategic objectives of contributing to the nursing profession, whilst also ensuring the finances and investments are transparent and accountable for the board’s consideration.
Dr Tiffany Conroy, RN, BN, MNSc, PhD
Board Member
I registered as a nurse in 1994 having been educated at Flinders University and completing my Bachelor of Nursing. Throughout my nursing career I initially worked as a clinician, then as researcher and currently as a nursing academic. The focus of my educational and research outputs are on improving the delivery of fundamental care for all care recipients, regardless of clinical setting. I have a long-standing association with Leahurst, as my paternal great aunt, herself a registered nurse, was a resident of the Leahurst Home for Aged Trained Nurses for many years. I joined as a board of management member in 2018 as I wished to contribute to improving the profile and practice of nursing education and research.

Ms Jan Thompson, RN, BN, MA, FACMHN
Board Member
I have been a registered general and mental health nurse for all of my working life. Following registration, I worked as a community mental health nurse in Whyalla, as a women’s health nurse in Adelaide and started as a nursing academic at Flinders University in 1990. I resigned from Flinders as a Senior Lecturer in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences in December 2018. In the 28 years I was a Flinders, I taught in both the undergraduate and post graduate Nursing degrees and from 2007-2018, was also the undergraduate nursing programs coordinator. At Flinders I was a strong advocate for nursing students struggling with multiple life stressors that were having a negative impact on their ability to succeed at university. I joined as a Leahurst board of management member in 2019, as one of the foundation’s main focus was to provide the means to enable nursing and midwifery students to complete their degree and take their place in the nursing and midwifery professions.

I completed my general nurse training at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in 1961 and retired in 2017 from Sports Med SA. During these years I worked in different hospitals and in a variety of disciplines and roles. I have worked as a recovery nurse and pursued peri-operative and high dependency nursing. I have been a mentor to graduate nurses and also facilitated nursing students on clinical placement. As the director and chief executive officer of Mallala hospital we achieved building an aged care facility next to the hospital. As a community nurse I have worked with aged care clients and also worked on Thursday Island and the outer islands covering all healthcare for the Aboriginal population. Nurses work hard and I am a member of Leahurst to help nurses and nursing students in their career journey.

Mrs Chris Cornwell, (RN). PSM, BHA, RM
Board Member
After my nursing education at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, I completed my midwifery education at The Women’s Hospital, Crown Street in Sydney. As midwifery became my passion, that is where I stayed throughout my professional life, being guided by the philosophy of the Australian College of Midwives. On returning to South Australia, I worked in various midwifery clinical and managerial roles at the Queen Victoria Hospital (QVH). In 1994 I assumed responsibility for the midwifery and nursing services and was part of the team in 1995 that moved the QVH, to form the Women’s and Children’s Hospital (WCH). After which, I undertook the role of Divisional Director, Midwifery and Nursing and in 2004 introduced Midwifery Group Practice, a continuity of midwifery carer model of care, for women. I remain an active member of several national and state committees, joining the Board of Management of the Leahurst Nurses’ Foundation in 2021. The Foundation’s work of supporting the nursing and midwifery professions is valuable work, given the impact these caring professions have on the well-being of our society.

Ms Judith (Judi) Brown, (RN, RM), GradDip, MEd, Distinguished FACN
Board Member
I graduated in nursing from the Royal Brisbane Hospital in 1968 and gained midwifery qualifications from the Queen Victoria Hospital in Adelaide. I have held senior positions in South Australia including as Director of Education and Assistant Director of Nursing at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Acting Chief Nursing Officer with the SA Government and CEO/Registrar of the Nurses Board of South Australia. Internationally, I have worked in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Netherlands and the Middle East. I established many midwifery programs in developing countries and I have led midwifery regulatory delegations to Spain and Canada. I have also held leadership positions in the Australian College of Midwives as well as international organisations. I am currently volunteering my time as midwifery team leader in a leadership project in Papua New Guinea and assisted with strategic planning for nursing and midwifery strengthening for the League of Arab States. Having joined in 2022, I am pleased to be a board member in the foundation to further both the nursing and midwifery professions.

Ms Tegan Putsey, RN, RM, BNg (Hons), BM, MACN
Board Member
Since I could remember, I have always wanted to help people so decided to become a nurse and worked as a theatre orderly at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital for three years whilst completing my undergraduate nursing studies. This extended into a nursing career when I became a Registered Nurse in 2009, continuing my clinical journey at the same hospital. Throughout this time, I mainly worked in the acute surgical area, however, have worked across other areas including haematology/oncology, medical, outpatients, and critical care. In 2013 I graduated as Registered Midwife providing antenatal, intrapartum, postnatal, and neonatal care to women and babies at the Northern Area Local Health Network. I maintained both these clinical roles until 2021 when I moved into nursing academia, a role I held casually from 2016. I have a passion for education and enjoy learning opportunities presented in both my working and personal lives. I joined the Leahurst Board to give back to the profession that has given me so much. I enjoy listening and learning from others who have inspired so many in their nursing and life journeys.

Dr Craig Phillips, RN, GradCertEd, GradDipEd, DipAppSc, BN, MN, PhD
Board Member
I have been a registered general nurse for 35 years working across both the government and for profit sectors in a variety of clinical settings and roles. I have held various positions including nurse unit manager and staff development coordinator. Over the last 20 years, I have worked in the higher education sector, completing a number of post-graduate qualifications. My current role at Flinders University is that of a Senior Lecturer in Nursing, encompassing a variety of roles across teaching , research and community engagement. I have broad teaching interests and have established a program of research with a particular interest in workforce planning pertaining to new graduate nurses transitioning to practice, and models of care delivery that build workforce capacity within residential care settings. I am widely published, have attracted grant funding and currently supervise a number of higher degree students. It is a privilege and fulfilling to financially support current and future nurses and midwives through the opportunities provided by Leahurst for scholarship and research activities.

Ms Megan Corlis, RN, BAppSc (Nursing)
Board Member
I am a registered nurse who has worked across acute and aged care in a diverse range of clinical and management roles. Primarily my interest is in working with older people and working from their perspective. I have been involved in numerous significant research activities including the NHMRC National Cognitive Decline Centre and an Enterprise Partnership with UniSA. My research interests are related to medication and older people, infection surveillance in the older population, and I am an ongoing industry member of the Registry of Senior Australians (ROSA). More recently I have taken up the role of Director at ANMEC – the Australian Nursing & Midwifery Education Centre. I have found this work incredibly rewarding providing me with a different challenge working with Educators to deliver workforce into aged care, disability, and acute care. I am delighted about the opportunity to be involved with the Leahurst Nurses’ Foundation where I get an opportunity to work with such experienced and interesting people giving back to the profession.