About Leahurst Nurses’ Foundation Incorporated

The Leahurst Nurses’ Foundation Incorporated was officially established in 2020 after the closure of Leahurst Home for Aged Trained Nurses Incorporated, with the objective to further the nursing and midwifery professions in South Australia. The association is run by a board of management comprising of past or current nurses and midwives. The objectives of the foundation includes the provision of financial support to nurses and midwives for their further development, as well as nursing and midwifery students in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The board will also consider financial requests for hardship, and any other award deemed to benefit the nursing and midwifery professions in South Australia.

Contact Details
Leahurst Nurses’ Foundation Incorporated
C/- Dean Newberry and Partners
214 Melbourne Street
Telephone: 08 8267 4777
Email: anita.debellis@outlook.com or samanthacreten@deannewberry.com.au

Charge Nurses from the Royal Adelaide Hospital in 1952